Ok, so I know I've been a terrible blogger lately! I honestly haven't even been at my computer much. As always, Christmas shopping got put off and put off and now it's a rush to get it all bought, wrapped, blah, blah, blah. There are still a few more things I need to get, but it'll all get got! :)
Things have been crazy around here. Justin got a touch of a stomach bug so that made for an interesting few days. Needless to say, potty training went by the wayside and it's been too nutty lately to get back into it. I really want him trained by his birthday so I'm gonna have to do boot camp after Christmas! Saturday was a crazy busy day! We went to get remote start installed on the Expedition. It was my Christmas present from Dave. I LOVE it! It's definitely been cold enough to use it these past few days! Since Justin was staying with Carrie, Dave and I went and told Santa what Justin wanted for Christmas. Hopefully he'll bring it all! ;) Then we went and watched the Luminary Festival parade and I was able to get a picture of Justin with Santa. He's not on his lap and daddy is in the picture too, but Justin is NOT crying! Then we went to Amanda and Marv's for our "Christmas party" They're awesome and got Justin a Diego Christmas movie, a huge Thomas coloring book and some crayons. He loves it!! Sunday, Carrie and I made 3 kinds of cookies, fudge, and carmel corn! YUM! So is that an ok excuse for not blogging recently?!?
I have lots of pics still sitting on my camera to upload. Hopefully I'll get around to that tonight while Dave and Robbie are watching the football game. If not, I promise I'll do it soon. I've got pics of the Christmas stuff I finally finished for my Grandma's and Justin with Santa.
Happy Monday everyone!
OH YEAH! I almost forgot! Mandie gave me a blog award! Yay! Thanks Mandie! I'm not sure that I have 8 people to pass it on to, but I promise I'll pass it on to some!

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
Jenny B - I pass the blog award on to you! Come claim it!